
Con noi le tue idee prendono vita!

Non importa quanto la tua idea sia folle… noi possiamo aiutarti! La nostra struttura è divisa in diverse aree che possono accogliere qualsiasi progetto tu abbia in mente, qualsiasi lo stile, budget e complessità. 2 Control Room + una Production Room realizzati per registrazione, mix, mastering, produzione, sound design, doppiaggio. Dentro i nostri studi troverai anche la perfetta location per i tuoi writing camp: 4 Booth completamente insonorizzati e trattati acusticamente per registrare voci e strumenti, writing camps, registrazioni video e altro ancora.

La nostra specialità non si ferma qui: noi ci prendiamo cura della realizzazione di contenuti web, social media management, grafiche 3D e motion graphics, foto e video produzioni, anche grazie alla nostra Chroma Key con fondi verde, bianco, nero, blu. 

I nostri clienti utilizzano i nostri spazi anche come sala prove, eventi per il lancio di un album, sedute d’ascolto private e VIP Meet&Greets.

Ultimo ma non per importanza (e la cosa più cool che abbiamo se tu dovessi chiederlo) abbiamo cablato tutto lo studio per dei Live Stream, quindi qualsiasi cosa tu faccia lo puoi mostrare ai tuoi fans in tutto il mondo in HD.

Learn from the best

Mix & Master

Mix & Master

All our master classes are unique in their kind. We always want to reward quality at the highest level, so instead of keeping the classic group lessons, we have opted for one to one lessons by providing a dedicated teacher for anyone who wants to deepen a specific field or simply start from the beginning. To make the experience even more unique and to leave the student in direct contact with the best technologies, all master classes are held in our Studios. In the context of Mixing and Mastering (analogical or digital) we can develop a dedicated study plan and dig into every aspect of these areas. To make the quality even more solid, we opted not to follow a standard study plan: depending on the student, his/her skills and knowledge, we create a totally dedicated curriculum every time.



In order to guarantee the highest quality, the DJ masterclass is twinned with Pioneer, a leader company in console technology. During the lessons the following things will be addressed: mixing techniques, effects and study of all the best machines available on the market such as Pioneer DJM 2000 Nexus, CDJ 2000 Nexus, RMX 1000. Like all other master classes, this also takes in consideration a study plan entirely created hoc. At the end of the course an exam will be held with the subsequent delivery of A & M Pioneer certificate.

Cubase - Logic - Ableton

Cubase - Logic - Ableton

The partnership established with Apple and Steinberg in an educational environment shows even more the prestige of our academy. It is possible to choose to undertake a specialization on just one of these softwares or on all three. As in all our master classes, the study plan is adaptable and crafted on the needs of those who undertake it. You can start from scratch how to deepen in detail any aspect you like.

Via Degli Orsini 2, Gallarate
Tel: 0331.1910001
P.iva 06584530965